martes, 1 de marzo de 2016

Constructivism and Vygotsky´s theory by Ximena Dayan Fernández

Constructivism and Vygotsky´s Theory
 By Ximena Dayan Fernández


The language can be defined in different ways but I think about of the language It is all that allows humans to communicate with each other through different sounds, symbols, (phonetics and phonology) systems writing, gestures etc. Through language we can to express our feelings, emotions, opinions, about something or a particular subject. There are others aspects in the language that allow us to use it in a correctly form, phonology, syntax and morphology; and the contents as semantics and the use like pragmatics.
The learning concept is a few complexes because it can be interpreted in different ways too, but I think that our knowledge allows us to achieve the learning, it’s the acquisition of new knowledge, these can be artistic, religious, social and educational etc. The learning allows us to know about the word around us using our skills. The learning depends also on the environment in which we involved because we learn all the time since we were babies until we are today so the learning is present in all aspects of our life
Teaching is the process through which knowledge is transmitted for this reason we say that the teaching is always connected to learning, because teaching is guiding learning. Teaching is a process that must be conducted in a practical form that allows the students to achieve to learn significantly, it must be guided to development of abilities that allow true knowledge.
Restating the theory
The constructivism Vygotsky’s theory says that the knowledge is built by the students with  help his previous knowledge and teacher play the role of guide them in the building knowledge process,  in the constructivism the student is participatory, autonomous, critical; the teacher take the teacher takes into account the student's participation and encourages students to work collaboratively, different to traditional school where the teacher was only who transmitted knowledge and the student only memorized contents. In the constructivism the teacher is more practical.
For Example:
The teacher in the class to share vocabulary about family, while analyzing his students their previous knowledge, so the students must to play a game “the lottery”, the teacher gives each student a board lottery which there is vocabulary about family, the winner must o do a short sentence with some Word in his board. In this activity the students not only to learn new vocabulary they also to learn to pronounce and listen the new words


ECURED. (28th de February de 2016). Constructivismo. Recuperado el 28th de February de 2016, de  


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